TiCKTOC DRIVER - Youre a personal and accredited driver. Enquire now about becoming a part of our unique PROFIT-SHARE programme, just for DRIVERS.
We obey and respect local and worldwide law. Drive for us and keep your jobs secured.
Our GPS mapping system is automated and in real-time, allowing users to make on-demand bookings or book for a specific time and date with just a few taps. You will ALWAYS be able to find your passenger.
We are proud to be Australian made with Head Office operations also in Australia.
TiCKTOC allows drivers to become visible to the customers easily via GPS facility and be a part of more then one model cars for extra earnings. The driver can keep track ongoing trip. He can manage the profile information. The details of the trip such as pick up and drop location, time, round trip option etc., are received from the passenger. The approximate fare is calculated based on kilometers and sent to the passenger. The payments can be received via card or cash. The driver app allows to view the statistical information such as jobs done, jobs rejected, driven kilometers etc.
Some of the features of TiCKTOC - Driver app includes:
1. Login
2. Ongoing trip
3. Completed trip
4. Profile
5. Car details
6. Pickup/drop location
7. Pick up time
8. Passenger Mobile number
9. Call passenger
10. Confirm/reject trip
11. Locate on Map
12. Fare per Kilometer
13. Total/ Actual Distance
14. Waiting hours
15. Waiting cost
16. Notifications
17. Statistics